Dear Colleagues, 

We understand that due to academic, professional, personal, political and/or other stressors, you may be feeling a bit more behind than in other years. Today we decided to grant another deadline extension for the ICLS and CSCL conferences. We are hopeful that this new extension will allow individuals to take a breath, get some more sleep that they might have missed out on, and take some more time to polish their proposals. Or perhaps now you’ll have time to submit an additional proposal that you didn’t think you’d have time for. 

Please know that this will be the FINAL deadline extension as we must start on the review process by mid-December in order to be able to get notifications out in February. 

The new deadline for ICLS and CSCL submissions is Wednesday, November 27 at 11:59pm AOE.  Click this link to view this time in your local timezone

A few clarification points to help you with your submissions:

Page Limits:

For 2025, each submission type is granted 1 additional page for references.

What this means: The page maximum is now one additional page ie. 8 pages can be extended to a maximum of 9 pages, 4 can be a maximum of 5, so on and so forth. The additional page can only be used for references and acknowledgements. However, you do not NEED to use this page if you do not need the space. You also can start your references on page 8 if you have more than one page of references. The bottom line is that submissions cannot exceed this 1 additional page, and the body of the proposal, excluding references, cannot go beyond the original page limit (8 pages for full/symposium, 4 pages, 2 pages etc.).

Submission Instructions:

Please review the conference template along with the author instructions. Both of these are word documents and have very thorough instructions and tips on how to format, anonymize your papers and more. View submission instructions here (these are the same for both ICLS and CSCL): 

Hybridity Plan:

Any presenter requiring remote accommodations (or another form of accommodation) will be asked to submit an accommodations form that you will find within the submission process in Easychair. Please review the Hybridity Plan that is posted on the website. More information will be posted regarding virtual viewing and online participation for attendees as we get closer to registration opening. 

Should you have any questions, please reach out to [email protected].


The 2025 ISLS Annual Meeting Team