Deciding between ICLS and CSCL
Which conference should I submit to since they are happening concurrently?
In deciding which conference to submit your proposal to, we encourage you to consider ICLS Call for Proposals and the CSCL Call for Proposals. The distinction between the conferences is also reflected broadly in the different focus areas of the Journal of the Learning Sciences (JLS) and the International Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (ijCSCL). For both conferences, the proceedings are published, which is an important professional component for many members. Your own professional identity may, of course, play a role in your decision.
Both CSCL and ICLS programs invite contributions that aim to address our 2025 Annual Meeting theme Educating for world-making: Envisioning and enacting sustainable solutions to global crises. For instance:
- CSCL contributions may take up a wide range of contributions related to three core concepts of CSCL (collaboration, learning, and computing).
- ICLS contributions may address a wide range of questions concerning learning in and across diverse formal and informal settings, including questions about processes, tools, context, and outcomes of learning.
These are only examples of how the conference theme may be taken up within CSCL and ICLS conferences. For more examples, see last year’s nominees for outstanding paper awards. Those contributions came from a wide range of topics covered in the CSCL and ICLS programs and fit into the ISLS2025 Annual Meeting theme. We encourage submitters to consider how their work may contribute to our collective, emerging understandings of educating as world-making.